Prior to Your Session
It is a good idea to reflect on what it is you’d like to achieve. Don’t just think it – ink it! Write it down. Build a case as to how you can accomplish your goals. Once this has been attained, set the intention in your heart that you will – no matter what – obtain your desired outcome.
Selected Space
Choose a space or location that is free from clutter, noise, and distractions. Put all electronic devices on silent. Mentally and physically disengage from all social media and the urge to respond to any telephone calls or text messages. The world can wait!
Create a tranquil environment by lighting candles, incense, or aromatic oils. If you have sacred emblems, stones, pictures of loved ones, or saints, include them in your space. These items have a way of calming and soothing the soul. If you have small children, entrust them with a babysitter or older sibling. Let everyone know ahead of time of the importance of your session, and you do not wish to be disturbed. They will admire and respect the loving care you give to yourself.

Dress in a manner that is comfortable to you. Wear shoes (if any) and clothing that is non-restrictive. If you choose a session via Facebook Messenger or Zoom, please be mindful of the importance to show respect for yourself, as well as your transformation coach, by refraining from dressing in a revealing or provocative manner.
Allow and Embrace Vulnerability
When we allow things to unfold naturally, there is where the growth lies. Allow those moments when emotions, memories, or suppressed feelings begin to bubble forth. Sit with them and allow them to be. Express how you feel or give way to tears. Tears are a beautiful catharsis. They allow us to release pain and past hurts, thereby creating space for healing and transformation.
One-on-One Coaching Sessions With Youths
Parents/legal guardians, please allow your child the opportunity to express him or herself freely. Avoid the urge to interject your thoughts or ideas. Do not use the session as a time to discipline or reprimand your child. Praise and encourage your child for the effort he or she is putting forth.
Please rest assured that all sessions and information shared by you with your transformation coach is treated with dignity and confidentiality.

Your sessions are designed to be light, fun, engaging, and informative! 100% participation is encouraged for you to reach your desired results. Enjoy the process and the interchange between you and your transformation coach.